Well, what an exciting day it has been today. I have managed to get the archive running in some sort of order, as well as adding some rambling text explaining(?) its contents. I also discovered an interesting fact. Guess who is president of the UTSLSS? None other than our very own Baby Spice. Click for proof.
I also added Beta 1 of the darrynpaint™ experiment. It works – except that you cannot actually save any of the pictures. Back to the drawing board. I also have added a startup sound from Counterstrike. Apologies to olden-days style modem users. Dammit, that sound is getting tedious already. I think that its lifespan shall be very limited.
I am still in a quandary about what to about the CSS on this website. Currently darryn.net looks like shit in any browser other than IE5. I will gladly accept any suggestions. email me at dj@darryn.net
I was also shattered to find someone else’s page with a far more comprehensive rules of shotgun page. This had EVERYTHING that I had planned, plus more. The bastards must have retroactively stolen my idea, eh swamp?