I was right, I didn’t get much sleep last night. Tonight I will sleep like a lamb, knowing that my future is secured. Lane Cove, here I come (again).
Month: October 2002
A Big Day
Saturday was exciting for two reasons. It was my first “intermediate” kickboxing class, and I loved it. Gone were the technique drills of the beginner stream. Welcome to the world of sparring. I was paired up with an older guy who had a lot more experience and 10 kilos on me. I had a reach… Continue reading A Big Day
I have finally finished the Ghost Recon mission “Gold Mountain”, set in Tbilisi. I have been working on this mission for probably 2 weeks now, on and off. Spong and I have both independently decided that legacy games are the go and have been dusting off the old titles and reliving past joy. My definition… Continue reading Tbilisi
So, what are they?
Kuo Chiu = Lizard Lu Feng = Centipede Lo Mang = Toad Sun Chien = Scorpion Wei Pei = Snake
5 Deadly Venoms
When facing your enemy, you have to aim for his weakest point.Use the Buddha finger accurately, and you will find you will win whatever he should try to do.
Bend and stretch, reach for the stars
It was Romper Room that introduced a generation of children to Yoga. Of course they didn’t call it yoga then, they said it was “bend and stretch”. Children might think it was yoghurt and get all confused. But I now know that yoga is what it was. Last night I revisited my childhood. I went… Continue reading Bend and stretch, reach for the stars
Have I mentioned that Telstra suck ass?
The person who signed me up for the credit card direct debit service must be feeling pretty silly right now. According to the Telstra droid who called me twice today, they have never offered any kind of direct debit service, they don’t have the technology for credit card transactions. The senseless machine placated me by… Continue reading Have I mentioned that Telstra suck ass?
A square is just an angry circle
Last night I returned home from my annual long weekend in Melbourne. By annual I mean that I spent the same weekend there last year, and it was of course Bits’ birthday then as well. That is partly why I choose this time, kind of a ‘two birds, one stone’ deal. I have sworn to… Continue reading A square is just an angry circle