Have I mentioned that Telstra suck ass?

The person who signed me up for the credit card direct debit service must be feeling pretty silly right now. According to the Telstra droid who called me twice today, they have never offered any kind of direct debit service, they don’t have the technology for credit card transactions. The senseless machine placated me by assuring that they weren’t about to *cough* interrupt my service *cough*, but that I did have about $400 to pay.

Their preferred method of payment? CREDIT CARD!


why do they always make me feel like this?


1 comment

  1. Ditto – no bil for 9 months, rang several timesa and was told there was nothing owing – was even sent a credit cheque back for $250.
    10 days a go a letter: “Due to a technical glitch we have not sent you a bill for 9 months. We will recticfy shortly.”
    Rectify my ass.

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