Clearing things up

In response to reader feedback, I would like to make clear that the previous two posts are not at all related to Kirsten.


  1. I was thinking about Emma, a girl I was in love with some time ago. I handled the situation very poorly which resulted in never seeing her again. We were very close and losing her was the biggest mistake of my life.

    Any lowness is very temporary and will be gone in a day or two. Probably while I am on the plane to Paris on Thursday. Yay! back in Amsterdam for Koninginnedag!

  2. Pfttt Of course its not about Kip, Sheesh. I’m sure you will be Sloaring them to death in Amsterdam. Remeber get down low and and go slow on a Ho.. Sorry it was the only thing i could think of at such short notice.

    Have a great time and hey you could always look Emma up and say// “sorry” for treating you like a farm animal how about we catch up for a coffee. Chicks love bloke who admit they are wrong.

    Keep fighting the good fight, or bashing Tristank, what ever is easist.

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