Month: September 2012
High quantlity
Looking for a supplier of VoIP phones today, and I noticed that many of them offer "high quantlity". Are they promising that the phones are good, that they are plentiful, or some combination of the two. Either way, "quantlity" is now my word of the week.
maximum number of simultaneous horse attacks
I was just wondering what the world record was for maximum number of simultaneous horse attacks, and I thought “wouldn’t it be nice to be number 1 in google for this?”
kankertoffer? [edit: nee]
That awkward moment when my biopsy results are back and, for the first time, they take extra steps to confirm my identity, and make a special appointment for me to see the doctor, even though he doesn’t take appointments. Seriously, so many moments of terror this month. [edit: not cancer]