facebook killed my blog

So, my last narrative post was well over 2 years ago. That post followed the second-most recent, a year earlier. 6 or 7 years ago, I used to blog every day. This blog has been running continuously for over 12 years; the first post was on September 12th, 1999. The word “blog” wasn’t even coined then, I was calling the posts “updates”.

My blog is dead, and I blame facebook.

Back in the day, when there was something on my mind, I would sit down for 10 minutes or so and compose a blog post about it. If there was something important, I might spend an hour writing the post. Nowadays, I write a one-line facebook status about it, maybe a tweet. I didn’t develop the theme myself, it is merely a slightly-tweaked free one. I haven’t even posted to pinkjoint in over 2 years, and the income from that site is now merely trickling in. I haven’t even updated the theme since I lived in NL, 6 years ago.

I’m going to do something about it. From this day forth, I promise to post at least once per week. I even have a series in mind: my search for the best bánh mì thịt (Viet pork roll) in Sydney. I am obsessed with these, and will often drive over 30 minutes each way to get one.


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