BEFORE It can stick and burn easily. This makes the soup yucky. Heat it gently and stir it often. The longer you cook it, the more delicious it is. Make a lot, it won’t go to waste. The soup freezes well. Like a curry, this soup is much better the next day. It should be… Continue reading recept: erwtensoep (Dutch pea soup)
Category: recipes
Recept: Oom Honds speciaale lekkerste stamppot
In Dutch cuisine, stamppot is a class of dish consisting of mashed potato with other vegetables mashed in. It is true winter comfort food. There are a few classic combinations such as hutspot (carrot, onion and sometimes bacon) but a stamppot is just as commonly made of vegetables that are in season or that are… Continue reading Recept: Oom Honds speciaale lekkerste stamppot