I just put the Air Conditioner away, assuming that Summer was over. But no. Humidity returns with a vengeance, and I am left to be cooled by a CPU fan. At least the washing will dry. I hope.
Naturally, I’ll say its the wine
It DOES go well with the chicken
Whining from a loser (by Spong)
Darryn: You suck.I hate being made to feel stupid and immature by your passwords, and by sitting so close to you for most of the time.
Lil Kidders Busted!
Well, the shit hit the fan last night. I was accosted for my part in the Little Kidders Project. Read about it on slutbiscuit.
Well, it has been a while, but now I am back! I have a new, faster host, and the server can run ASP. Look out soon – I will have the Ultra ASP action site up and running, using the XXXengine for total power. I have ditched the entry tunnel (the bit with orbiting darryn… Continue reading de-slack
Today brings a number of small touches to the paradox ring of Shifty sites. That is something that I made up to make all my sites seem like one big happy family. The DNS for SLUTBISCUIT filtered through today, so I had to remove as much stupidly offensive stuff as I could in a hurry.… Continue reading Paradox
Today’s additions are few, but great. There’s darrynchat™. And there’s my ICQ status thing (whatever). No one reads this, so I don’t really care. Mmm…Kraft Ravioli does it for ME! I got the chat from ICQ – it is a java IRC client, got me hooked for a few hours. I recommend the ‘float’ mode.… Continue reading DarrynChat
Thunk you Stig
Whilst watching walkingrek procrastinate over the Sabs V Report, I unearthed, and ‘corrected’ an old photo from the 2-800-THUNK launch at the East Village Bar nearly a year ago. I got drunk that night. I may or may not have shouted things. domain craziness In a recent spate of domain-purchasing craziness, I have added to… Continue reading Thunk you Stig