The Rules of The Space

If any friend (other than a Top Friend) sends a chain bulletin, comment or message, instantly delete them. If a Top Friend does this, massively demote them as appropriate. Tell them why. If a Russian bride says that she likes cooking, Deny her. If she doesn’t: she is special, and can be added. If anyone… Continue reading The Rules of The Space

Defend the Shield Generator

So of course I bought the Star Wars DVDs on Wednesday. When I got it home, I decided to watch the special features first, so I inserted that disc into my DVD player. My DVD player is my XBox, and it was like a special Christmas when a special menu popped up, asking if I… Continue reading Defend the Shield Generator

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Joint Operations

This is not a review. I bought this game last week and I would have to say that I am addicted. As the quote on their homepage says: It is my Battlefield 1942 replacement, not that I have played Battlefield for a while. As usual, Spong got me onto the game through his blog. [Update… Continue reading Joint Operations

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Spong got me to play PGR2 on Xbox Live last night, as he was hosting. I haven’t played on Live for months as Kip was getting jealous that I would talk to strangers on Live when I could have been talking to her, and I cut down a bit. I guess I got used to it and forgot… Continue reading Live!

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