WTF ?!

This site is not associated with me, but to the casual observer it might seem so. Anyway I sent off an email to the owner, not a cease-and-desist or anything, just hoping to become less confused. Will report in the comments, or perhaps he will.

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Some photos up

I am at a bar in KL airport that has wireless so I uploaded a pre-written post and added some more photos to my holiday galleries: Kuala Lumpur Singapore Pulau Langkawi Pulau Penang I have notes for quite a few many more posts and I hope to write them on the plane and post when… Continue reading Some photos up

My site is badly written

Email from a reader: Sender: gusEmail: xxxxxx@yahoo.comIP Address: your page is badly written you cannt read the whole of the left had side on most browsers so its kinda stupid So, can you read it? I tested the design on IE, Firefox and Opera and it seemed ok to me. Perhaps this ‘gus’ is… Continue reading My site is badly written

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Lane Cove Sux

A little over five years ago, when I lived in Lane Cove with Jai, we came across some graffiti written in the footpath. It says “Lane Cove Sux”. Having a new digital camera, I took a photo that included Jai. This photo has become quite popular on some forums, including kissmyknees and soosed. from this… Continue reading Lane Cove Sux

Google pwnage

From time to time I check out my logs and am often surprised to see the things for which Google perceives me as an authority. Some of the latest: How to make a nuclear reactor (google) #1 The Blue Power Core is critical (google) #1 BitchKrieg (google) #1 Flaming Logo Writing (google) #1 dottext skin… Continue reading Google pwnage

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GDI+ is pissing me off

I thought GDI+ was supposed to be good. I am sure that it is better than whatever came before, but as far as I can tell its JPEG encoding is poor. Consider the following code, which creates a BMP format file from a System.Drawing.Image: System.Drawing.Image myImage = thumbnail( afileName ); //makes the image ImageCodecInfo myImageCodecInfo;… Continue reading GDI+ is pissing me off


to knock the image off aggregation sites such as

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A New Era

I have re-written the entire site, and it is finished enough for me to actually add an entry to the blog. Unfortunately this entry, and indeed the entire site, will not be visible for a few days, as Network Solutions have once again fucked me over. I am now waiting the eight days necessary to… Continue reading A New Era