I have been using Mozilla Firefox as my secondary browser for the last few weeks, and I am impressed. I use Avant Browser most of the time, but I am noticing that I am gradually increasing my use of Firefox. I chose Avant over Internet Explorer because it has tabbed browsing and cool middle mouse button… Continue reading Firefox
Tag: tech
Enjoy® DialUp
Due to the Issues mentioned in a previous post, we do not have a high-speed connection in the Melbourne office at the moment, and this is where I am. We are currently making do with a dialup connection, which basically limits us to email and the most basic of services. I have had to set… Continue reading Enjoy® DialUp
It DID happen
So here I am in Melbourne. Once again there are problems that might prevent me from going home. Once again this is because of Telstra. Our Melbourne branch is in the process of moving offices, which means that new phone lines need to be installed before the move, and one of the analog lines needs… Continue reading It DID happen
It is happening again. I just know it.
Tonight I fly to Melbourne for 2 days. It won’t be two days. It never is. If I am back in a week it will be a miracle. Telstra is involved. I wish that Telstra was a person, so that I could murder them.
I have decided
That I have Asperger’s Syndrome.
Tips for linux developers
I bought my first linux cd in 1997, it was Yggdrasil linux. It was very exciting, a free UNIX that I could install on my own PC! What possibilities! Since then I have installed a few different flavours of linux, enjoying the challenge of trying to get it working before going back to good old… Continue reading Tips for linux developers
I am in the middle of a weeklong training course called Developing IBM Lotus Domino Applications: Foundation Skills. At the end of this week, assuming that I pass the exam, I will be a Certified Notes Specialist. I don’t expect to have any problems – the course is not difficult, possibly because the general concepts are… Continue reading Notes
XIII Mousing Problem, Darryn can help.
If you have a problem with your mouse in the game XIII, then this is what worked for me: Change your mouse settings in windows so that it is at its minimum possible sensitivity. To do this, go to Control Panel | Mouse | Pointer Options (tab) | Select a pointer speed. Move the slider… Continue reading XIII Mousing Problem, Darryn can help.