A great birthday

It was my birthday on Monday – I turned 29. As usual, I managed to stretch the birthday out over a few days. I had a BBQ on Saturday evening, yum cha on Sunday and a day off on Monday.

 The BBQ was a joint birthday party and housewarming party. We had about 30 guests and I thought that the party was very successful. I was pleased with the reaction to my Tasty Chicken, I will add it to my BBQ repertoire. As I have lost my camera I have not any photos, but I will post others’ photos as they send them to me. A highlight of the party was of course that some people brought presents, and Michelle brought my favourite lemon butter cake.

Sunday’s yum cha was a family affair with my brothers and sister, all three parents and Kirsten. We went to a Chinese seafood restaurant in Castle Towers – I was a bit dubious about this but it turned out to be very good, in many ways better than the usual chinatown experience. I received presents during lunch.

The plan for my actual birthday was to go to Wonderland, as Kirsten has never been to a theme park. This plan was soon abandoned as temperatures rose to 40 degrees. I spent most of the day in front of the air conditioner in the lounge room, playing xbox, watching TV and sleeping.

Presents: Soul Calibur 2 (Xbox); Need For Speed Underground (Xbox); LOTR: ROTK (Xbox); Badminton/Volleyball set, Totem Tennis set; bottle of scotch; UV mozzie zapper; 17″ LCD; big toolbox; bike computer; EB vouchers; cash; bike bell; picture frame; champagne glasses; cake; eau de toilette; some peaches; 50 blank DVDs; Xbox link cable; USB Fan; Pnau CD; and Halo (PC)

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