
I am very happy, because Lydia has decided to stay in Australia to be with me. I know it is true because: She didn’t go home She has signed a 2-year lease on a studio She has an agent Anyway, this is why I haven’t blogged for ages, because I spend every available second with… Continue reading Lydia


At any time of the day or night I can log into facebook and, at a minimum, be greeted with pokes from Lydia and Amelia. I keep very strange hours, yet they always manage to return a poke instantly. This reassures me because I know, from their behaviour, that there are people out there with… Continue reading pokes

jumping outta my skin

I am so excited. In less than 2 days I will be seeing Lydia again after almost 3 months. We met at Marks & Tracy’s wedding in late July and only got to spend a week together before she had to go back home to London. We had a great time during that week and… Continue reading jumping outta my skin


Tonight, at the Shanghai Palace in Chatswood, I attended a Datacom/Microsoft Tech Support reunion dinner for those of us who suffered in the late 90’s in the days of Windows 98 and NT 4.0. I had worked closely with three of the guys there and, like any reunion, it was a mixture of slight awkwardness,… Continue reading green!


Miss Slaunders says (1:21 AM): i’m doing my will – how depressing – tiger [lamb] says (1:21 AM): leave it all to me Miss Slaunders says (1:22 AM): yeah right Miss Slaunders says (1:22 AM): ud sell it all and buy a dinosaur

homo lupus (no homo)

Chriso was meant to post this to the Party Posse website but, since he has not done so, I will post it here. There are three signs that someone is a werewolf: They turn into a werewolf They wake up naked with blood around their mouth They sneeze when exposed to bright light Be warned.… Continue reading homo lupus (no homo)

i <3 robots&&dinosaurs

I just found an old love poem that I wrote for Claudia in March. At the time we were amused by the semi-emo electrikk movement. This poem is tehsecks: a robot and dinosaur met in a parkunder some trees, feet crunching in barkthe robot was mighty, the dinosaur notwhen struck by the lasers his skin… Continue reading i <3 robots&&dinosaurs


From time to time, in the middle of the night, I get prank calls. I am pretty sure that they are from Stephanie, one of Claudia’s friends. I don’t know why she is so interested in me after all this time, she is gay so it is not a slorey thing. Last weekend I got… Continue reading pranked