Month: August 2006
I spent most of today working, but even though it seemed I was at my computer all day I missed five calls, a few SMS’s, a skype call from a myspace girlfriend and countless instant messages from all over. I guess this was whilst I watched The Wedding Singer. I had to watch it because… Continue reading weekends
Today is my anniversary. I have been single for exactly one year. It has been fun, and until the World Cup I didn’t actually feel single. But that feeling has waned and now I am back to being happy. In honour of this auspicious day I have invited my married friends out for a tasty… Continue reading milestone
number eight for fucking
I just love my web stats. I know who is visiting me. I know how many times a day they visit. I know what words they searched for to find me. I used to get a lot of searches for pantyhose porn, lately a lot of people come for my chowder and lamb stew recipes.… Continue reading number eight for fucking
unexpected night
Last night Sonia and I decided to go out for one or two drinks to catch up, as we had not seen each other for almost a week. We decided, for a change, to go to the Hotel Mosman. I have been there a few times with Adam and Bits, it is a nice place… Continue reading unexpected night
happy weekend: back in time
On Friday night I met Michelle C* in Newtown for dinner, we went to a Thai restaurant and enjoyed a nice bottle of wine with our tasty meal. We had a good time and still get along well. After dinner we walked down King Street to Jeff’s apartment. Jeff is a guy with whom we… Continue reading happy weekend: back in time
Sampson’s first IM
Michelle says (7:29 PM): sampy on my lap hard to control he wants key board – darryn (Blocked) says (7:29 PM): i like that you’re finally on messenger Michelle says (7:29 PM): yes it is good Michelle says (7:30 PM): b v0nfv gk n hh – darryn (Blocked) says (7:30 PM): lol! Michelle says (7:30… Continue reading Sampson’s first IM
Breigh just told me that Unox have, in NL, released a new pack of my favourite soup in the whole world: erwtensoep. I lust for this. I miss it so. Talking about it with her brought back memories, missing the things I can’t get here. It is probably not the right word, but I got… Continue reading snert!