kankertoffer? [edit: nee]

That awkward moment when my biopsy results are back and, for the first time, they take extra steps to confirm my identity, and make a special appointment for me to see the doctor, even though he doesn’t take appointments. Seriously, so many moments of terror this month. [edit: not cancer]

Categorised as personal

Facebook ads for the betrothed

Engaged people must be a hotly contested demographic for facebook PPC advertisers. Since my relationship status changed, almost all the ads I get are for wedding-related pages. An example from a single page: Party Hard at ur Wedding? Starlight Photography Luisa Via Roma (Alicia liked this page, and now I get it all the time. They… Continue reading Facebook ads for the betrothed

Categorised as personal

Testing from phone

Wondering, also, if this will automatically post to facebook

Categorised as personal


I have been alone in my office for the last 30 minutes or so. At least, mostly alone. There was, of course, the brief visit by a thief whom I caught going through the cupboards. I was working away when I heard a drawer close. Wondering how a drawer closed without me closing it, I… Continue reading burgular


You responded as a right brained person to 14 questions, and you responded as a left brained person to 5 questions. According to the Hemispheric Dominance test, you use your right brain the most. The summary briefly describes your dominance type. Remember, this only represents half of the picture. After you read the description, click… Continue reading wtf?