things that tasted good today

the falafel pita that I got from the hebrew pita shop in Rose Bay. Best EVER! Nicest bread, tasty falafel and hommus. Good range of salads. I need to get the name of the shop. I am tempted to remotely stuff up the nearby client’s computer systems so I have an excuse to visit the… Continue reading things that tasted good today

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a duck!

I just noticed Swampy’s comment. He wins the competition, some floating volcanic rocks are on their way to him right now.


On Friday night I got a flight to Hobart, Tasmania, for a weekend away. I flew JetStar, the plane was an A320 (we like Airbus). Inside it was comfortable and shiny. I stayed at the Hotel Grand Chancellor, a midrange hotel on the water, not far from the touristy Salamanca area. I liked my room,… Continue reading wotam

my invention

A few months ago I was at the slounge with Bek, Dan and the other no-longer-randoms. It came my time to buy a round so I decided to get something interesting. After consultation with the barman I developed a very tasty drink: 1 shot vodka 1/2 shot gin 1/2 shot absinthe apple juice ice splash… Continue reading my invention


we like the moon

for SpongBo We like the mooncoz it is close to uswe like the moooon!but not as much as a spooncuz that’s more use for eating soupand a fork isn’t very useful for thatunless it has got many vegetablesand then you might be better off with achop-stickunlike the moonit is up in the skyit’s up there… Continue reading we like the moon


Tonight I went to a kava ceremony, kava is an intoxicating drink made from the roots of a local plant and its consumption is a sacred part of Fijian culture. As the Alpha, I was nominated to be the acting chief. I had a special bowl, whilst the others had to share a bowl. No-one… Continue reading kava