In a few hours I will be jetting off to tropical Fiji for a week’s holiday with some friends. We will be staying on Beqa Island, without intarwebs or even TV. I am not sure the specifics of what is happening, I don’t even physically have my ticket yet. I know that I return to… Continue reading leavings
Month: October 2006
Nick from Tasmania
Stay away from my Bunni, or Bad Things will happen. Involving fire and chopping. You have been warned. PS. your space is ugly.
Some time today I became 1,000,000,000 seconds old. I have enjoyed many of those seconds. I think that this is like a superbirthday and that you, my faithful readers, should buy me presents. Lots of presents.
Flight : Virgin Blue DJ878 (Economy Class) Departing : Sydney at 6:45 PM on Thursday : Sydney Kingsford Smith Airport 30/11/2006 Arriving : Melbourne at 8:15 PM on Thursday : Tullamarine Airport 30/11/2006 Flight : Virgin Blue DJ885 (Economy Class) Departing : Melbourne at 7:15 PM on Monday : Tullamarine Airport 4/12/2006 Arriving : Sydney… Continue reading Visiting
RosehillTook JohnBoy with me to a private box at Rosehill racecourse, a function for my old work. I ended up $25 behind, but it was a lot of fun and there was food and an open bar. You know that you are old when there is an open bar and you only get two beers… Continue reading succinct
bunni ftw update
Hani Bunni says (2:29 PM):you haven’t written anything on your blog about me for a whole 2 days Rohani Bunni Hotness (her full name) rocks! Of all the people who don’t really exist, she is my favourite. In other news, I paid for my Fiji trip today. In seventeen days I will be winging my… Continue reading bunni ftw update
star commander rohani
I wrote bunni another poem, the difficulty being that it had to be set on a spaceship. It is a freeform poem: admiral rohani looked through the viewscreen at the alien fleet “clever got me this far”, she thought to herself “but how will i get in?” tiger kicks ass It is romantic, truthful and… Continue reading star commander rohani
the competition heats up
from Kasie: okay here’s a love poem: i once knew a man named darrynhe was full of love and carin’the ladies were woo’edcus he was an IT guruand his “knowledge” he always loved sharin’ [update 10 Oct:] bunni responds