Curse this Smarch weather

I just put the Air Conditioner away, assuming that Summer was over. But no. Humidity returns with a vengeance, and I am left to be cooled by a CPU fan. At least the washing will dry. I hope.


Lil Kidders Busted!

Well, the shit hit the fan last night. I was accosted for my part in the Little Kidders Project. Read about it on slutbiscuit.


Well, it has been a while, but now I am back! I have a new, faster host, and the server can run ASP. Look out soon – I will have the Ultra ASP action site up and running, using the XXXengine for total power. I have ditched the entry tunnel (the bit with orbiting darryn… Continue reading de-slack


Today brings a number of small touches to the paradox ring of Shifty sites. That is something that I made up to make all my sites seem like one big happy family. The DNS for SLUTBISCUIT filtered through today, so I had to remove as much stupidly offensive stuff as I could in a hurry.… Continue reading Paradox

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Today’s additions are few, but great. There’s darrynchat™. And there’s my ICQ status thing (whatever). No one reads this, so I don’t really care. Mmm…Kraft Ravioli does it for ME! I got the chat from ICQ – it is a java IRC client, got me hooked for a few hours. I recommend the ‘float’ mode.… Continue reading DarrynChat


Thunk you Stig

Whilst watching walkingrek procrastinate over the Sabs V Report, I unearthed, and ‘corrected’ an old photo from the 2-800-THUNK launch at the East Village Bar nearly a year ago. I got drunk that night. I may or may not have shouted things. domain craziness In a recent spate of domain-purchasing craziness, I have added to… Continue reading Thunk you Stig