happy birthday to this blog!

For the first year ever I actually remembered to write this post. Today my blog is 8 years old. The blog has been through at least 6 versions, and when I started the word "blog" had yet to be coined, so I was writing "updates". I have some of the old versions online: Version 1… Continue reading happy birthday to this blog!

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I have two girls in my life named Bek. To avoid confusion, and until further notice, they shall be referred to as Walkingrek and SPB, for differentiation purposes. They can fight amongst themselves as to who ends up with the title “Bek”.

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Unless something really cool happens I won’t write any more verbose narrative posts for a while. I promise*. *promise may not be honoured

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Who reads my blog?

I was looking at my stats just then, and I can see that I have a lot of returning visitors every day. Who are you? Comment (feedback) and introduce yourself so we can be friends. Let me feel the love.

Clearing things up

In response to reader feedback, I would like to make clear that the previous two posts are not at all related to Kirsten.