The problem with this blog is that I can’t write about much of the most awesome stuff that happens in my life. I know many of my readers in Real Life, either beforehand or readers that I built relationships through this blog//internet//myspace//whatever. It is ok to tell secrets if I remain anonymous but not when… Continue reading the problem with this blog
Tag: personal
resistance is futile
I am going to the special hell.
Sonz just demanded that I list the songs that I have deliberately gotten stuck in her head over the last year of living together: we like the moon banana phone rainbow stylin’ evil monkey the song that gets in everybody’s head
big day
For Michelle’s (my sister’s) birthday I gave her a ticket to the Big Day Out. This is an annual music festival similar to Lollapalooza etc. There are a lot of bands playing over the course of the day, but I only needed to see one name: Tool. Tool are the best band in the history… Continue reading big day
my chest hurts from laughing
Things My Boyfriend Says example: While snuggling: me: Who loves you? e: Megatron. In other, unrelated, news: Twin Elephants and Earth Brand Mustard Pickled Lettuce is nowhere near as delicious as it sounds. I won’t be eating it again.
My Fitness First membership tag, made of metal, is ideal for scraping thermal transfer compound from a CPU’s surface.
Electricity is an incredibly expensive thing. If you don’t believe me, ask my (soon to be ex) flatmate. He sees gigantic dollar signs flying out of the wall all the time. He lives in Hell. Thanks to his unspoken education, I have been able to compile a list of my things that use a lot… Continue reading electrickery
flatmates since 1993
Stuart Adam (x2) Chris (x3) Winston Nicola (x2) Mark Maiko Attracta Fiona (x2) (gf) Kerrie Greg Dan Olivia Tristan Jai (x2) (gf) Kellie Kirsten (x4) (gf) Sebastian Niamh Julia Melvin Sonia [update] I had an interview for a share house today and they asked me about previous flatmates. It got me thinking a bit about… Continue reading flatmates since 1993